South African rapper Kiernan Jarryd Forbes, better known by his stage name AKA explained today why he will never host a one man show at a huge venue. Mr Forbes explained that his business model does not allow him to do such as he has a different business model that works for him, “Guys, Everybody doesn’t have to have the same dream. For ME, no point in performing at the dome one week and at a chesa nyama the next” he tweeted. “Let #FillUp etc be another man’s dream …. Not mine. I have a format and a plan that fits MY business model and gets me closer to my goals, I want a SUSTAINABLE TOURING SOLUTION … #SupaMegaShow will become the NORM, and not the exception, and that’s MY business” he says.
Kiernan told his fans that not everybody has the same dream and filling up a stadium once or twice a year is not a sustainable business model for him, “Please do yourself a favor …. And focus on the INFORMATION I am sharing with you. You think I’m shading, I am busy educating” He shared.