2012 has been a landmark year for South Africa’s art industry, with several talent searches in the market. Nampak Bevcan changed the face of creativity by launching the inaugural I CAN Be FAMOUS competition – where entrants have to show their talent linked back to cans and/or the CAN DO! Culture. Since May 2012, a multitude of entries have been loaded on the YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/choosecans?feature=results_main) – also, auditions opened to the public were held at the Soweto Beer Festival, to afford young talent an opportunity to enter.
A pre-judging phase was conducted, where all the entries were sifted through and these have now been narrowed down to a group of Top 10 acts, who will perform live at the grand finale. The grand finale will crown the year by identifying the freshest CAN-act, with lead judge, Arthur Mafokate and his crew of celebrity judges bestowing the grand prize of R100 000.00 to one top act, R50 000 for second place and R20 000 for third. All of this hard work will culminate in an evening of lights, cameras and lots of action. Each act will have to bring it, and prove that they are the coolest things since the launch of the new Castle Lite cold rush easy flow can. “The top 20 acts will put on a top-notch show for the audience of invited guests. As a product of how winning a competition like this can change your life, I am excited to be part of this project. One act will walk away with an opportunity of a life-time – and we get to decide the fate of their future.”Said Arthur Mafokate.