Simon, Tshepo, Kyle and Baby – South African Heineken contestants.
A street performance, Heineken Legendary Traveller style. After a day of finding their way through their new cities yesterday, the four Heineken Legendary Travellers needed to get a good night’s rest before they could handle today’s challenge. And what a challenge it was. European cities, especially the ones where the finalists are Dropped in, are famous for their street performances, and the finalists got a chance to live like a local and entertain the crowds.
Kyle Tate became a caricature artist in Rome, Tshepo Mashigo put on his dancing shoes as a Flamenco dancer in Barcelona, Simon Good rocked the streets of London, and Baby Mashokwe dazzled Parisians with her miming skills. With two hours to learn their new trade and another two hours to perform, the finalists needed to earn as much money as possible to help get them to the top of the Heineken Dropped SA leader board.
And after a tough, yet exciting and resourceful day the leader board looks like the following:
1. Simon – 11 points
2. Kyle – 10 points
3. Baby – 10 points
4. Tshepo – 9 points
Today the Heineken Legendary Travellers will find themselves in the place where most locals love to frequent – the neighbourhood market. Follow @Heineken_SA now to find out what the finalists are getting up to. Give them assistance and you’ll stand a chance to win a travel voucher worth R40 000. Remember to use the #HeinekenDroppedSA.