There is no end to the influence that award winning DJ and music producer Black Coffee’s is there? The world famous DJ is currently working with songstress Cassie on her latest single and posted a video for us to see.
Black Coffee posted a video on his Facebook page working on a song with Cassie which will be part of P Diddy’s documentary Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop: The Bad Boy Story, which is due to be released on Sunday the 25th of June. The documentary is supposed to be a comprehensive look at the label, from its humble beginnings in Harlem to its super stardom rise.
The video that Coffee posted follows the journey of making the song with Cassie with us getting to see a brief look into how he puts together a hit song and the hours he puts in. The song was recorded at Platinum Studios in New York which has hosted super producer Jerry Wonda among many others.
In the video Diddy comments that he is considering potentially releasing the track as a first single. How major is that? We are ready to be proud again!
Peep the video below!